• Kitchen garden,  summer

    Gardening for Food

    Before this becomes a clematis blog, I’ll get back to one of my favorites types of gardening, i.e. kitchen gardening. On one hand, this is my favorite time of the year: you can harvest the best food – the food that you’ve grown yourself. The other day I got inspired by a trip to a restaurant. I therefore decided to put my more than generous crop of tomatoes to good use. I used all the tomatoes in that first picture and some more, all the vegetables, two onions, some Jerusalem artichokes, red wine, a little chili pepper and some deer that my dad had hunted and made a stew. It…

  • Kitchen garden,  winter

    The First Thing to Sow

    Even though some of the snow piles are more than 2 meter high, an optimistic gardener can still imagine what’s going to flower and grow during the coming summer. For most of us, me included this year, the first thing on the agenda are the globe artichokes. They aren’t hard to get to germinate; the only thing with them is then to repot them into fairly large, or at least deep, pots for further cultivation shortly after they’ve germinated. Globe artichokes have a pole root and need a deep pot with good compost in order to grow fast enough and large enough to produce crop the first year. This is…