• magazines,  media

    I Made a Gardening Magazine

    As you might have seen in the masthead carousel, I added a link to a gardening magazine that I made for my gardening society Blomsterodlingensvänner i Finland rf. It has been keeping me busy, so the development of this site has been on the down low. But, it has been fun to do some new things and develop other skills. There are a lot of my pictures and text in the magazine and all the layout and technical solutions are by me, but of course a few other talented speakers, writers and photographers contributed. It was a pleasure to to work with their material. The cover picture, as well as a…

  • media

    Society Life

    I’m a member of a lot of gardening societies and a bit involved in the administration of a few of them. The one I’m most involved in is Blomsterodlingens vänner i Finland r.f. (“Friends of flower gardening in Finland”). The camera gardening blog has been slightly neglected because I’ve been overhauling Blomsterodlingens vänner i Finland r.f.’s site. I’ve done it in a very similar manner as CG and it’s really a relief that it’s done. It might change a bit depending on the feedback, but this is it for now. You can visit it here. The first picture shows two of “The BOV’s” membership magazines; Lucida Handwriting is kind of…