• greenhouse,  summer

    Early Peonies

    Paeonia x arendsii ‘Mai Fleuri’ and my greenhouse. Someone might have garnered that I’m quite fond of peonies based on my trip to the Peony Festival back in April. It’s quite funny how truly northerly Finland is, since now on the 14th of June, the same plants that flowered in China flower over here. My wonderful tree peony Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Feng Dan Bai’ flowers right now with eight flowers, my newer tree peony (of uncertain lineage) will soon open at least one bud and the herbaceous ones; Paeonia x arendsii ‘Mai Fleuri’ and Paeonia emodi ‘Windflower’ have both shown their prettiest sides. Paeonia emodi ‘Windflower’ On ehkä ollut mahdollista arvata,…

  • summer,  travel,  woodland

    In the Rhododendron Woods

    It’s the time of the year when the Rhododendrons are flowering at their best and this year I made it to the Rhododendron Society’s summer trip to Turku and the Ruissalo Botanical Gardens. I have a friend from Turku, and we usually have these somewhat infantile matches where we berate each other’s home towns (mine is Helsinki), but when it comes to botanical gardens I have to say that they have us beat. The Botanical Gardens in Helsinki (in Kaisaniemi and Kumpula aren’t that special). Tähän aikaan vuodesta alppiruusut kukkivat parhaimmillaan ja onnistuin lähtemään Rhodokerhon kesäretkelle Turkuun ja Ruissalon kasvitieteelliseen puutarhaan. Yksi hyvistä kavereistani on Turusta kotoisin ja meillä on…

  • photography,  summer,  woodland

    Summer Light

    Summer finally came along, and the garden shows some of its best sides. You could be mistaken and think I mostly have a white flowering garden based on some recent posts, but actually, I’m quite fond of colors, they just don’t show themselves that much at this time of the year. The Azaleas aren’t behaving themselves and most aren’t flowering this year. Kesä tuli vihdoinkin ja puutarha näyttää parhaita puoliaan. Voisi luulla että minulla on enimmäkseen valkoisesti kukkiva puutarha joidenkin viime aikaisten postausten perusteella, mutta oikeastaan pidän paljon väreistä, ne eivät vain näy niin selkeästi tähän aikaan vuodesta. Atsaleatkin niskoittelevat ja eivät suurimmilta osin kuki tänä vuonna. Det blev äntligen…

  • travel

    Cyprus Sideline

    I spent a long and wonderful weekend in Cyprus last weekend when two of my good friends got married there. I had never been to Cyprus before and not surprisingly, I was quite taken by all the wonderful flowers that bloomed very nicely.   The whole wedding got a bit more suspenseful than what was bargained for, as it actually rained the day before and on the wedding day and the reception and ceremony were planned to be held outdoors. The groom quoted Alanis Morrisette (in Ironic) “It’s like rain on your wedding day” on his facebook status, supposedly it shouldn’t rain in Cyprus after April.. Bougainvillea, as in the first picture.…

  • photography,  spring,  woodland

    My Magnificent Magnolia

      The picture above is my entry for the Picture This Contest on Gardening  Gone Wild. I have Right Click inabled here, so THIS is a link to a downloadable picture. Magnolias are border line hardy in my neck of the woods, so this Magnolia kobus var. borealis that I bought in Sweden and planted in 2002 is a particular darling of mine. This year it is flowering with around a hundred flowers and it smells deliciously. While I took this picture I could hear the sound of a hundred thousand hockey fans celebrating (in the very very far distance) the Finnish Ice Hockey World Championship gold at the market square…