• summer

    Knowing your Clematis – The Blues

    Knowing which clematis is which gets harder every year. It’s not a case of old age in my case (I hope), but it has more to do with losing some clematis each winter to either cold or voles. I keep some kind of records, but I don’t like labels on plants. This means that especially with clematis with which I employ what my war correspondent friend used to call a “carpet bombing technique” it gets messy. She used the technique for dating, in my case it means planting a lot of similar clematis close to each other, clearly I’m the nerd.. Anyway, I end up with a tangle of blue/purple…

  • greenhouse,  shopping,  summer,  travel

    Oh Åland Part 3

    As promised, the last garden and shopping on  Åland with my fellow members of Blomsterodlingens vänner. Ahvenanmaan viikonloppuni viimeinen puutarha ja shoppailua muiden Blomsterodlingens vänner:eitten kanssa. Mitt veckoslut på Åland med Blomsterodlingens vänner inkluderade ännu en trädgård och shopping! In the picture above / kuvassa yllä / på bilden ovan: a beautiful Geranium collection from the last garden / kaunis pelargonikokoelma viimeisestä puutarhasta / en vacker pelargonsamling från den sista trädgården. Could that be / voisiko siinä olla / kan det vara Hosta ’Krossa Regal’?  + Dianthus barbatus & Lamium sp. A nice citrus tree + peonies / sitruspuu ja hieno pionipenkki / ett citrusträd och en vacker pionrabatt Really…

  • summer,  travel

    Oh Åland Part 2

    My weekend in Åland with my fellow members of Blomsterodlingens vänner, included three more private gardens that occasionally and by appointment open their doors. A common denominator seemed to be an appreciation of Fuchsias and two out of the three gardens had a really good Kolkwitzia amabilis in flower. The Kolkwitzia is one of those shrubs that really benefit from just that ½ zone of a milder climate. I have two, but they have barely flowered a little bit. To their defense, I have to say that they are probably planted where there is a bit too much shade. Full sun seems to work best. Ahvenanmaan viikonloppuni Blomsterodlingens vänner:eitten kanssa sisälsi vielä…

  • summer,  travel,  woodland

    Oh, Åland Part 1

    Oh, Åland indeed, Åland [ˈoːland], the small group of islands between Finland and Sweden which are a bit special and very beautiful. I visited the islands with Blomsterodlingens vänner i Finland, BOVarna, and as my friends in that club are most likely to read this post, I am going to write mostly in Swedish for a change 🙂 Kävin Ahvenanmaalla Blomsterodlingens vänner i Finland, BOVareitten kanssa,  joten oletan että minulla olisi tähän enimmäkseen kiinnostuneita lukijoita  ruotsiksi joten jatkan sillä 🙂 Jag besökte alltså Åland med Blomsterodlingens vänner i Finland, BOVarna, för litet mer än en vecka sedan. Det var Bovarnas årliga trädgårdsresa för i år som den här gången gick inrikes. Vartannat år reser…