• summer,  travel

    Roses at Rundale Palace

    Last summer I visited Latvia with my favourite gardening society, Blomsterodlingens vänner. One of the highlights of the trip was seeing the splendidly restored Rundāle Palace and its fabulous gardens. The Rosarium was looking especially gorgeous during our visit. Latvia has a famous rose breeder in Dr. Dzidra Rieksta and seeing the Latvian hybrids at Rundale was special. I think most of us found a few new roses for our wish-lists. One of my favourite and my mother’s favourite roses has already previously been the Latvian hybrid Ritausma (1964). It does very well in many Finnish gardens. It is usually a bit higher, this one had been severly pruned. (pictured…

  • My Garden,  summer

    The Old Double Borders

    I guess I have almost been ignoring my old double borders here on cameragardening.com. In real life I appreciate them very much and I like how (moderately) easy they are to manage now that they are mature. 15 years old it seems, at least according to the old photographs I have from the time the soil was first turned. It was a lot of digging and soil improvement at the time and I remember that I bribed one of my cousins to help me with an old Mitsubishi soil rotator. I think I had given him a lift somewhere and he owed me a favour. The rotator was old even…

  • spring,  travel,  woodland

    Jardins de Bellevue

    The Jardins de Bellevue are one of my absolute favorite types of gardens. The gardens are meandering and well thought out woodland gardens, which feature a lot of rare and stunning perennials, shrubs and trees. In addition to that they are set in a beautiful landscape that they make the most of. In the first picture probably a Halesia carolina. Xanthoceras sorbifolium, this might have been the first time I even heard of this tree… One of the paths Magnolia sinensis Rosa cantabrigiensis Trillium grandiflorum ‘Flore Pleno’ And so much else, I’ve just decided to stick to around 5 pictures per French garden, otherwise I would not get anything else…

  • autumn

    Torn by Roses

    I like roses, but not that much, which makes me a bit torn at times considering how involved I’m in the Finnish Rose Society. However, activities such as brilliant talk by Pirjo Rautio of Simola Rosarium yesterday, gives the hobby a bit of a boost and seeing a few roses soldier on into November isn’t bad either! Tykkään ruusuista, mutta en ihan kamalan paljon ja siitä johtuen suhtaudun välillä niihin hiukan ristiriitaisesti koska olen niin vaativasti kiinni Suomen Ruususeuran toiminnassa. Aina välillä harrastukseni kuitenkin saa positiivista potkua: kun kuulee oikein hyvän esitelmän ruusuista, kuten sen joka Simolan rosarion emäntä Pirjo Raution piti eilen, ja se että ruusut jaksavat kukkia näin…

  • autumn

    Dashes of Pink

    Fall is not just about the yellow, red and orange colors, some of the gardens late bloomers are actually pink. And some leaves turn a bit pink. I’m actually still waiting for my Dendranthema / Chrysanthemum ‘Duchess of Edinburgh’ to really start to flower, but meanwhile others have kept me entertained. Syksy ei koostu ainoastaan keltaisesta, punaisesta ja oranssin sävyistä, osa puutarharhan myöhään kukkivista kukista kukkivat pinkkeinä. Jopa jotkut lehdet saavat vaaleanpunaisen sävyn. Odottelen vielä että krysanteemini ‘Duchess of Edinburgh’ alkaisi kukkia, mutta ennen sitäkin pinkkiä on riittänyt puutarhassa. Hösten består ju faktiskt inte av enbart gult, rött och orangetoner, en del sent blommande är faktiskt ljusrött.  Också en del blad…