autumn,  woodland

Fall Blues

I took a stroll with my camera today and realized that in addition to pink bloomers, there are still actually quite a bit of flowers in blue shades in my garden. Some of them are re-flowering and a few of them just flower this time of the year.

Kävelin tänään rundin kamerani kanssa ja totesin että vaaleanpunaisten kukkien lisäksi puutarhasta löytyy vielä ihan mukavasti sinistä kukintaa. Osa kukista kukkii uudelleen ja toisten kukinta-aika on vasta nyt.

Jag gick en runda med kameran idag och kunde konstatera att förutom ljusröda blommor så finns det faktiskt också en del blå blomning fortfarande. En del är återblommande blommor och andra är sådana som faktiskt först nu har sin blomningstid.

In the first picture / ensimmäisessä kuvassa / på den första bilden  Delphinium, perhaps ‘Centurion Sky Blue’ / ritarinkannus, ehkä ‘Centurion Sky Blue’  / riddarsporre, kanske ‘Centurion Sky Blue’

Something only a collector can cherish / ehkä vain keräilijälle / en blomma som närmast passar en samlare Aster macrophyllus

Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’

Delphinium sp., has self-seeded / itsekylväytynyt ritarinkannus / en självsådd riddarsporre

Clematis ‘Arabella’ started flowering i July / aloitti kukinnan heinäkuussa / började blomma i juli

Clematis x durandii

Gentiana sino-ornata in the pond border, an older picture, it flowered earlier this year. / Syyskatkeroa lammikon kukkapenkissä, kuva on vanhempi, se on jo kukkinut tältä vuodelta. / Höstgentiana i en av dammrabatterna, bilden är gammal, den har faktiskt redan blommat i år.

I'am a marketing and gardening professional and I plan to blog about garden photography (with an amateur’s perspective on it), gardens, plants, most things even vaguely garden related and garden trips around the world.


  • Jennifer@threedogsinagarden

    Hi Ha,
    You have many beautiful late bloomers in this and your last post. Next year, I would definitely like to add new varieties of late blooming clematis like yours.
    I have one delphinium in bloom. Usually, we would have frost by now, but this year we are being treated to a late fall. The delphinium in flower is therefore a nice surprise. Mine is dark purple. Your self-seeded blue delphinium is very pretty.

  • Akinwale

    I am in Southern Brazil, so my weather is alsmot equal to South Africa climate. But I never did get to grow chamomile here in the winter (rest of the year is ok ) BTW, this winter is been VERY cold and DRY here, with a couple of days warmer. Indeed, we’re in a severe drought since january . The chamomile seeds that I plant in june or just grow so little or simply died in complete frozen

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