
  • events,  greenhouse,  indoor,  spring

    Tulppaanien lumo – The Enchantment of Tulips

    I just attended the opening of the exhibition “Tulppaanien lumo” which will run at the Botanical Gardens in Kaisanimemi until the 9th of April. It was wonderful, there is something magical about bulbs bursting into bloom in the spring and getting an advance view in a greenhouse, when there is still a meter of snow in places outside is just cool! Kävin tänään Tulppaanien lumo-näyttelyn avajaisissa Kaisaniemen kasvitieteellisessä puutarhassa. Näyttely avataan huomenna yleisölle ja se jatkuu 9. huhtikuuta. Näyttely oli aivan ihana, sipulikasvien purskahtaminen keväisin kukkaan on vain jotain niin erikoisen mahtavaa. Kun sitä sitten vielä pääsee ihaileman kasvihuoneessa, kun ulkona vielä on paikoittain metrin lunta, se vain on makeeta!…

  • events,  indoor,  spring

    Fair Start

    I visited Turku, the old capital last Saturday for a meeting and since I was there I decided to go to the gardening fair that was there as well. It used to be so that the “big” gardening fair was held in Turku and Helsinki on alternating years. These days Helsinki throws one each year but one that is strictly more about gardening every other year, although that might have changed. The Spring Fair as it’s now called will open this Thursday. I’m not sure I’ll even attend since I already saw the one in Turku and Helsinki will be missing some major players this year. But, if you want…

  • indoor,  media,  video,  winter

    I’m Gardening on TV

    I got a call yesterday and was asked to be on the Swedish speaking morning show Min Morgon. They were interested in current gardening tasks. It’s still very much winter here so it was either repotting, growing herbs indoors or starting plants from seed. I went with the two latter. I you are in Finland or use a VPN service like the ones my expat friends like you can see the show here until the 24th of February. I’m on at 14:40 minutes in and babble away for the next ten minutes. EDIT: You can’t see it anymore Minua pyydettiin eilen mukaan FST:n Min Morgon aamu-ohjelmaan. Heitä kiinnostivat ajankohtaiset puutarhatoimet.…

  • indoor

    TV Replacement

    This ikebana arrangement in something resembling ”Moribana upright style” is substituting my TV for the moment. Tämä moribana-tyyppinen ikebana asetelma korvaa tällä hetkellä minun TV:täni. Det här ikebana arrangemanget i ”upprätt moribana-stil” ersätter för tillfället min TV.

  • events,  indoor,  winter

    Indoors and Ikebana

    The weather outside has been atrocious so the only ”gardening” I’ve been doing was visiting an ikebana exhibition at Gallery Johan S earlier today. I can’t quite remember exactly when I took up ikebana: it must have been after I studied some flower arranging at the gardening school and before I went to Japan. I collected a lot of vases and a local institution actually offered a course in ikebana that I attended. It’s been a hobby of mine that I haven’t pursued very actively, but now and again. Sää on ollut niin kamala, etten ole harrastanut puutarhaa millään muulla tavalla kuin vierailemalla tänään Galleria Johan S:n ikebana näyttelyssä. En…